Voting for Mavericks

Just a reminder to anyone who wants to vote in the Mavericks competition that the Vocational and Rehabilitation Research Institute in Calgary is running to GET TO IT FOLKS. On the roster (Maverick #6) is our very own Leilani Muir (pictured here, some time earlier than yesterday), who blazed a maverick path by taking the Province of Alberta to court in 1995-96 for her wrongful eugenic sterilization under the Sexual Sterilization Act of Alberta. The decision in Leilani’s case paved the way for a large number of further settlements for other plaintiffs, and more than a blip of public awareness about this aspect of Alberta’s history. You can vote for three candidates in different categories (education, deinstitutionalization, and community living), and voting for Leilani is a small step to having the courage and determination behind her efforts recognized more publicly, and a vote for anyone else listed on the voting sheet will do the same for their very worthwhile contributions. VRRI will use the results of the poll to inform their decisions about whom to feature in a museum exhibit on “Mavericks” that they are participating in. See the earlier post here on this for details and again, vote early and vote often! You have until Friday 18th July to cast away.

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